New Year’s Eve Safety Tips
December 30, 2016
This New Year’s Eve, we want to make sure that everyone has a great time while staying safe. Here are a few helpful tips to ensure a good time for all!
1. Don’t Drink and Drive
We’ve all heard the adage, “drive sober or get pulled over.” If you plan on drinking, don’t get behind the wheel. DCTA can take you where you need to go without you having to worry about driving yourself. We are operating regular service on New Year’s Eve so make sure to check our schedule for your next ride. You can also use our new Uber discount program if you’re traveling in Highland Village and receive a $2 discount on Uber ride!
2. Use the Buddy System
Make sure to surround yourself with friends and family members—not only for the great company, but also for your safety! Bringing along a buddy or two is always a great idea. You’ll keeping each other accountable, you’ll never have to worry about walking alone, and you get the added benefit of having a companion to enjoy your evening with!
3. Prepare for the Weather
The only thing predictable about Texas winters is that they are unpredictable. Make sure to wear plenty of layers so that you can be prepared for the climate both indoors and out. If you’re planning on using our system, make sure to sign up for our GOVDelivery Rider Alerts in case of any service changes due to inclement weather.
4. See Something, Say Something
Be aware of your surroundings and stay away from those who may seem out of control. If need be, alert the proper authorities to any suspicious behavior. Better safe than sorry!
Have fun and stay safe this holiday while ringing in the New Year!
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