#AskDCTA: Your GoZone Fare Questions Answered
June 16, 2021

We’re answering more questions about our proposed GoZone on-demand rideshare service that would replace the majority of our Denton and Lewisville Connect Bus fixed routes and current on-demand services. In this edition of #AskDCTA, we’re focusing on GoZone fares!
GoZone is an on-demand rideshare service, powered by Via, where riders can travel within designated zones and will have the option to book their trip in real-time via a mobile application. If you haven’t heard about it yet, check out our recent blog below to learn more or visit the “How it Works” page at DCTAfeedback.net to see each of the proposed zones in detail.
Learn more about the proposed GoZone on-demand rideshare service, the promotional fare, how to provide feedback and more below. There’s even information about a chance to win a prize!
How much will GoZone cost to ride?
For the first six months of GoZone service, DCTA is considering a variety of options to accommodate the replacement of the majority of Connect Bus fixed-route service and existing on-demand zones with access to the new GoZone service.
For example:
- A Day Pass will still cost $3. The Day Pass will now provide all-day access to the A-train, Connect Routes 3 and 7, the UNT Campus Shuttle, and GoZone.
- A Local AM/PM pass will still cost $1.50. The Local AM/PM pass will now provide access to the A-train, Connect Routes 3 and 7, the UNT Campus Shuttle, and GoZone. Access to these services is only available during the morning or afternoon/evening hours dependent on when the AM/PM pass is validated.
For those interested in only riding GoZone, one-way GoZone trips will be available for purchase for just $0.75.
During the six-month fare promotion, our staff and board of directors will assess purchase trends to determine a final fare structure slated for March 2022.
Can UNT students ride GoZone free?
For the first six months of service, students, faculty and staff of the University of North Texas (UNT) will continue to be able to access Denton Connect Routes 3 and 7 free of charge with a university ID. The UNT Late-Night Lyft Program will remain available. DCTA is currently working with UNT leadership to identify how a UNT ID can be utilized for access to GoZone. Without a university-specific program, appropriate fare media will be required to utilize GoZone services. And as always, access to the A-train requires appropriate fare media.
What will happen to the passes I already purchased?
Our existing fare structure will remain in place for at least the first six months of service, so you will still be able to use passes you’ve previously purchased. The six-month fare promotion allows access to existing services as well as GoZone. If you have additional questions about existing tickets, email our Community Relations Manager Mary Worthington with details!
Will I need to purchase separate fares for the Denton and Lewisville/Highland Village zones?
You will not need to purchase separate fares to travel in both designated zones. A GoZone fare or standard DCTA fare is valid in all GoZones.
Where can I purchase GoZone fare?
GoZone fare can be purchased directly in the GoZone mobile and desktop app, by calling DCTA customer service, or in person at the Downtown Denton Transit Center (DDTC) ticket window.

How can I provide feedback on the fare promotion (and maybe win a prize)?
We’re collecting all public feedback on our proposed GoZone on-demand rideshare service through June 25. All public input and data will be submitted to our board, along with a Title VI equity analysis, so they can direct staff to make necessary modifications to the service plan if necessary.
Even better, this week, June 14 through 20, everyone who submits a comment before 11:59 p.m. on June 20 and takes the survey on our Fare Forum will be entered in for a chance to win a $40 Amazon gift card! We’re giving away gift cards all month to lucky winners.
Head to DCTAfeedback.net to give your input on the proposed GoZone promotional fare structure, take the fare survey, interact with other passengers’ fare comments and more!
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