Celebrate Transit Employee Appreciation Day and WIN Up to $100!
March 1, 2022

Best Ways to Say Thanks on Transit Employee Appreciation Day
Win Amazon gift cards by sharing your appreciation! Deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 18.
Do your part in spreading the message about Transit Employee Appreciation Day! Share this post on social media to let all your friends and family know! You can post a selfie with your favorite driver or administrative employee, then post it to social media using the official hashtag, #thanksDCTA. You’ll be entered to WIN an Amazon gift card in $100, $50 or $25. So, join the rest of the country and be a part of saying THANKS!
In the rain or the heat of summer, early in the morning or well after dark, and in the midst of unruly traffic and construction zones, our bus and rail operators work hard for you and your fellow passengers. But their job isn’t just arrivals and departures — they also help lost passengers find their way and make sure everyone stays safe on board and around our vehicles. Support staff is there behind the scenes. Don’t forget our customer service, dispatchers and administrative staff as well! #RideDCTA
In the hustle and bustle of getting where you need to go, it can be easy to take for granted the person getting you there. But this month provides a great opportunity to let them know how much you value their work! On Friday, March 18, we’re celebrating Transit Employee Appreciation Day with people from across the country to commend our nation’s hard-working bus drivers and rail operators.
Take an extra moment on our bus or A-train platform to express your gratitude! Need some ideas? Here’s our top list of ways to brighten your operator’s day:
Spread the message about Transit Employee Appreciation Day! Share a post on social media. Take a selfie with your favorite driver or administrative employee, then post it to social media using the official hashtag, #thanksDCTA.
A simple “Thanks!” goes a long way, but folks love to hear how their efforts directly impact you. If you always exit through the back door, take a detour to the front to let them know how you feel.
Whether you buy a greeting card or print one out, you can show how much you appreciate everything they do for you by giving them words that last longer than a moment.
If you have time, a small token of your gratitude is something your operator remembers for a long time to come. It can be as simple as baking a small treat or decorating a travel mug.
Use our GORequest system to tell us which operators do an excellent job. It’ll brighten their day and make them rock stars back at the office!
We can’t wait to hear your ideas! Post them below and let’s give kudos to our transit employees.
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