DCTA Board of Directors Discuss the Business of Public Transportation
April 26, 2012
The DCTA Board of Directors meets at least monthly to discuss the business of public transportation in Denton County. Discussions also usually touch on regional and national issues impacting DCTA, our communities and our passengers. Today at 1:30 p.m. at DCTA offices in Lewisville, the Board of Directors is the April meeting. A agenda and packet can be found here.
DCTA’s14-member board is appointed by respective entities through Denton County. Large cities, small cities and at-large members serve two-year terms. Board members must have professional experience in the field of transportation, business, government, engineering or law. In accordance with DCTA By-laws, the Board adopts the annual operating budget and is responsible for setting policy. The president oversees the day-to-day operations of the DCTA and implements policies set forth by the Board. A list of the 14-members can be found online.
Board meetings and worksessions are held every fourth Thursday of each month, except as otherwise posted and are open to the public. The worksession begins at 1:30 p.m. in the DCTA Board Room, 1660 S. Stemmons, Suite 250, Lewisville, TX, 75067. The board meeting is immediately following the worksession.
This month’s agenda includes the discussion of August service changes, FY12 revised budget and long-range cash flow model, the lease of an interim maintennace facility, and a contract for Architectural and Engineering services. Representatives from NCTCOG will present on the Innovative Finance Initiative for the Cottonbelt. DCTA staff regularly updates the board on agency financials, sales tax activity, capital projects, marketing and planning initiatives, and service performance.
Feel free to attend one of our board meetings and learn more about the business of public transportation.
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