DCTA Board of Directors Meeting Today
May 24, 2012
The Denton County Board of Directors regular monthly worksession and meeting is today at our administrative headquarters in Lewisville. Major topics include adoption of the revised FY12 budget and the transit service parameters for August 20th changes. The agenda and complete board packet is available online.
DCTA conducted a series of public outreach efforts starting as early as last winter to determine the public’s transit priorities and to better understand ways to improve ridership. The results were a series of improvements to the A-train schedule, a desire for improved connectivity between modes (bus, commuter rail and light rail), and expanded bus service hours and service area. DCTA is focusing the August changes on the first two priorities and then will focus on bus improvements in January. (More details on the changes to come in a future blog, now back to the board. . .)
DCTA‘s board consists of 14-members throughout Denton County. Cities with populations over 17,000 have a seat, smaller cities have shared seats and then Denton County has representation. Denton, Lewisville and Highland Village members have stronger voting authority in certain matters such as capital investments, changes to the service plan and updates to the by-laws.
The board worksession begins at 1:30 p.m. and typically involves more detailed discussion on issues that will be before the board at that meeting or at upcoming meetings. Staff also provides information on system and financial performance and updates on capital projects during the worksession.
Both the worksession and the board meeting are open to the public. Administrative offices are at 1660 South Stemmons, Suite 250, Lewisville, TX.
If you have any questions, please let us know. Hope to see you there!
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