DCTA’s New Year’s Resolutions
January 12, 2016

The countdown starts. The clock strikes midnight. The sounds of voices fill the air in unison with, “Happy New Year!” Each year we look forward to closing the chapter of the year before us and starting anew. Many of us vow to become healthier, some promise to volunteer their time more often, and others strive to break a bad habit they’ve been meaning to end for the last 12 months. It seems that we all have a litany of New Year’s resolutions in hopes of a fruitful New Year.
Here at DCTA, we are no different. We had a very successful 2015, but we also have our eyes set on the opportunities that 2016 has placed before us. As we forecast what the coming year has in store, we have set the following resolutions in hopes that our goals come to fruition.
- Focus on Service Enhancement – At DCTA, our goal is to provide efficient mobility solutions for Denton County and enhance the passenger experience. We will be completing our Comprehensive Operational Analysis in 2016 to completely review and recommend new schedules and routes for existing Connect and Connect RSVP bus services in Lewisville, Highland Village and Denton. We will also continue to develop and execute projects identified in our long range service plan with the hopes of investing in future regional transit services to address the mix of priorities, funding sources, and transit needs in Denton County. Lastly, we will be conducting a complete customer service audit to ensure that we are providing the best service to our customers.
- Completion of the A-train Rail Trail – DCTA is committed to all modes of travel, and developing a comprehensive transportation system that improves the environment and overall quality of life for Denton County residents. The A-train Rail Trail is a perfect example of this commitment. Once completed, the A-train Rail Trail will help provide access to recreational opportunities and other municipally-owned trails and provide a safe, affordable transportation alternative for local travel.
- Increase Public Participation – Feedback from the public is crucial to the modifications that DCTA makes throughout the year. In 2016, we will focus on heavily promoting our bi-annual public meetings with the hope that the community will attend and share their feedback with us. In addition to our regularly-scheduled public meetings, we will continue to hold our quarterly Citizen’s Advisory Team meetings where we welcome dedicated members of the community to weigh in on DCTA news and topics. In order to collect community and passenger feedback on a regular basis, we will increase awareness of GORequest, an online system where individuals can submit their feedback, question or concern directly to the appropriate DCTA employee. And lastly, DCTA will distribute a community survey to collect feedback from Denton County as a whole.
- Enhance the DCTA Digital Experience – In a world of smart phones, tablets and laptops, there’s no denying the insurgence of technology in today’s world. DCTA recognizes the need to have a strong digital presence and is in the planning and implementation process of enhancing our blog, revising our website, researching options for the display of our maps, and finding comprehensive solutions that will make planning your trip easier than ever.
With each New Year, we all have the opportunity to grow and take on new challenges. We at DCTA encourage you to take on 2016 with a bright outlook, a desire to learn and an open mind for the great things to come! Happy New Year!
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