Know When and Where with Where’s My Ride
January 12, 2015
Usually, when you’re waiting on your bus, you just have to stand next to the sign and crane your head, looking for any sign of it coming down the road.
But with DCTA’s new vehicle tracking tool Where’s My Ride, soon you’ll have many different options for figuring out when is the optimum time to be at your stop. This tool will officially be ready for the public on Monday, January 19.
Where’s My Ride incorporates the latest technology so our passengers can obtain the predictive arrival times for Connect buses and the A-train. This tool will not only allow passengers to track the bus as it makes its way along its route, but it will also give DCTA internal information, which will help us in the future to better plan our routes.
There are three ways to use Where’s My Ride:
- Online Portal — Displayed in a web browser and shows you the routes and estimated time of arrival. In addition, you can select specific stops, search by address or input your stop ID to find the nearest bus or train and its arrival time.
- Phone call — The voice stop prediction feature allows passengers to dial in for an up-to-the-minute prediction of a bus or train at a chosen stop. Call 940-243-0077, enter your stop ID and receive real-time information on the next bus or train scheduled for that location and its expected arrival time.
- Text message — It’s simple – text your stop ID to 98458 to receive the estimated arrival time of your bus or train. Stop IDs can be found on bus stop signs and on the schedules at A-train stations.
To see how-to videos of each of these methods to determine which is best for you, click on the links above, or view on our YouTube page.
One element of DCTA’s literature that will be going away because of this new system are individual route guides for the Connect bus system and A-train. We will still be producing the Go Guide, which has all of our routes in it. Plus, the routes will still be accessible 24/7 online at or through the Where’s My Ride online portal.
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