May 1: Five Good Things this Week Series
May 1, 2020

Want a break from all the coronavirus (COVID-19) news? We’re compiling a list of good things happening in our local DFW community and across the country to put a smile on your face! Take a break and unwind with some heart-warming stories. This week’s blog series features llamas on Zoom calls, dancing seniors, yoga with the Lewisville Fire Department and more!
Warrior Yoga with Lewisville Fire Department
We could all use some warrior strength right about now. The Lewisville Fire Department is challenging residents to strike their best warrior yoga pose and share it with them using their #showusawarrior hashtag. Yoga is a great tool for relaxing, clearing your mind and getting good exercise. Check out the tweet below to catch some members of the department showing how the poses work. What yoga poses help you relax? Let us know in the comments below.
Creative Solutions from Mansfield Kids During COVID-19
Kids are some of the most creative humans there are. Their imagination knows no bounds, and that is certainly true for these kids featured on WFAA this week. Watch the video in the tweet below to meet two friends who created a rope and pulley system to pass notes between their houses. It’s the new kind of instant message!
Sound the A-Llama! Your Meeting was Hacked!
There’s one thing we can say for sure – before COVID-19, there were never any llamas in business meetings. Well, that is no longer the case! A North Texas business is getting creative with their new lack of customers.
Through the ShangriLlama Castle in Royse City, you can live-stream with llamas during your next video call. You can even “Zoom bomb” your coworkers to surprise them. No, you haven’t been hacked, it’s just llamas! Check out the tweet below to see just how “spittingly-fun” it can be.
Texas Seniors Celebrate International Dance Day
Don’t ever say grandma can’t get down with the groove! A senior living facility in Texas held a mini dance party on Tik Tok for the residents to celebrate International Dance Day. What song do you wish you could dance to with your grandparents right now?
Small Denton Shop with Big Results
A local shop that is a Denton favorite has stepped up during the coronavirus health emergency. Rose Costumes has begun making masks! The staffers each have a job on a DIY assembly line that has helped them create more than 11,000 protective cotton masks. Each mask has been donated to a local agency, free of charge. What a way to give back to the community! Check out the tweet below for the story.
The good news doesn’t stop there! There are many hard-working people trying to spread a daily dose of happiness. Tune in to WFAA’s “Reasons to Smile” segment each morning with Tashara Parker and NBC 5’s “Wake Up to Something Good” morning segment, or watch John Krasinski from The Office host his own good news network show from his home office.
Do you know of a good story to include – local or national? Comment below for a chance to be included in our weekly “Five Good Things” roundup. Stay safe out there!
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