MAY 15: Five Good Things this Week Series
May 15, 2020

Need a break from all the coronavirus (COVID-19) news? We’re compiling a list of good things happening in our local DFW community and across the country to put a smile on your face! Take a break and unwind with some heart-warming stories. This week’s blog series features a grand graduation ceremony at AT&T Stadium, a 6-year-old’s serenade, a lesson in human kindness and more!
A Summer of Changes for Denton ISD
Beginning June 1, the city of Denton will take over meal distribution at several campuses while expanding similar service to other sites. The city will pass out breakfast and lunch bundles to children (anybody under 18 years old) without asking for a school ID Monday through Friday. That means non-students can take advantage of this wonderful federally funded program! The move is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program. To find a nearby food distribution site, call 211 or text “FOODTX” to 877-877.
Six-Year-Old Serenades Grandparents for their 50th Anniversary
Love music? You are going to love this story even more! The dad of a 6-year-old boy who’s been taking guitar lessons during lockdown drove him three hours, from Virginia to Pennsylvania, so he could surprise his grandparents with a serenade for their 50th anniversary. That had to be the most thoughtful and meaningful gift they received. Check out the heartwarming video below.
Arlington ISD to Hold Graduation Ceremonies at AT&T Stadium Thanks to the Jerry Jones Family
High school graduation is a milestone and accomplishment not only for the student but for their families as well. That special moment when a student gets to walk across the stage to receive their diploma in front of their family and loved ones always bring such a bittersweet moment to all. It symbolizes the acknowledgment of their hard work and the obstacles that had to be endured to get to that moment, and at the same time symbolizes the beginning of a new journey full of possibilities.
Sadly, in mist of the coronavirus pandemic, not many students will get the opportunity to walk across the stage, but some are sure getting creative. Thanks to the generosity of Jerry Jones and his family, more than 4,000 seniors at seven high schools will be able to celebrate their graduation in a HUGE commemorative way at the AT&T Stadium! Now THAT will be a story to tell their grandchildren!
Hundreds Line Up for Free Food at North Texas Food Bank Mobile Pantry Locations
On Wednesday, May 13, volunteers and members of the Texas National Guard helped distribute food boxes to families in need during this pandemic to hundreds of people while they lined up in their vehicles (to practice social distancing of course) at two North Texas Food Bank mobile pantry locations. The families received boxes filled with fresh fruit, vegetables and dried goods. What a way to think about the community and making sure families don’t go to bed hungry.
New York City Teacher Gives Students Lesson in Human Kindness
A physical education teacher in Manhattan, like many other teachers, had to re-invent her curriculum to reach and engage her students. This teacher’s unique way of engaging with her students through her website, health videos and partnerships with the community to also provide critical food to those in need serves as an inspiration and role model to her students.
As the teacher put it, “You’re a teacher, you’re a coach. Sometimes you’re a guidance counselor… You are listening to problems they have. You are a friend. You play a lot of different roles.”
That kind of thinking is what will drive our educational system forward through this difficult time. Hats off to the wonderful job teachers like her who have been able to accomplish great things and to the creativity that continues to bloom with virtual classrooms! Keep showing off that kind human heart!
The good news doesn’t stop there! There are many hard-working people trying to spread a daily dose of happiness. Tune in to WFAA’s “Reasons to Smile” segment each morning with Tashara Parker and NBC 5’s “Wake Up to Something Good” morning segment, or watch John Krasinski from The Office host his own good news network show from his home office.
Do you know of a good story to include – local or national? Comment below for a chance to be included in our weekly “Five Good Things” roundup. Stay safe out there!
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