May 29: Five Good Things Blog This Week Series
May 29, 2020

Need a break from all the coronavirus (COVID-19) news? We’re compiling a list of good things happening in our local DFW community and across the country to put a smile on your face! Take a break and unwind with some heart-warming stories. This week’s blog series features Zoom concerts in Denton, a YouTube channel with a sweet backstory and national media coverage of North Texas graduations.
The Graduation Good News Continues for Denton ISD
We know last week’s 5 Good Things This Week Series focused on graduation, but we have one more really cool graduation-themed story to share! Thirty-four high schools, including those in Denton ISD, spent the weekend walking across the finish line of Texas Motor Speedway and USA Today covered the ceremonies! The video clip below includes heartwarming interviews from parents, students and a look into the logistics of a graduation ceremony at a Texas racetrack.
Denton ‘Friday Night Live’ Concert Series Offers Music Escape
When local music venues in Denton shut down, the popular live music scene was left without a home. That’s where Denton resident and music lover Kristen Sha Boyd comes in. Not really a musician herself but a supporter of Denton bands, Boyd created a six-week-long Zoom concert series, inviting musicians to perform in 15-minute time slots to showcase their music to viewers. As the series gained popularity, Boyd even began sharing the artists’ Venmo information to allow for tipping. What a great way to support local artists!
The Cutest Distancing Date Night in Illinois
Separated by social distancing rules at the hospital, a pair of soon-to-be parents from Illinois stick to their routine of weekly date nights. Shona Moeller was admitted to the hospital at 23 weeks pregnant in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak, and her husband, Robert Conlin, can’t be with her.
He found a creative and cute way to stay close despite their physical distance – a distance date night! Each week he orders takeout from one of their favorite restaurants and has Shona’s meal delivered to her room. Then he sits outside on the sidewalk four stories below, and they FaceTime while enjoying their meal together. Read more of this cute story below!
YouTube Channel from Washington Teaches All Things ‘Dad’
A Washington dad of two who didn’t have a dad around while he was growing up created a YouTube channel to teach others how to do tasks that dads usually teach their kids. His lessons include how to tie a tie, how to iron a button-down shirt and one that helped me, how to unclog your sink! The channel is called “Dad, how do I?” and has gathered quite the following since he started posting videos. Check out some of the videos for yourself and learn something new today!
Dallas ISD Kids to Receive Free Books This Summer
With libraries closed and school moved online, some kids may be missing out on critical learning and reading time. Well, Dallas Independent School District (DISD) plans to help by sending students within the district from kindergarten to sixth grade five free books for the summer! Helping build the students’ home library and hoping to increase summer reading, Dallas ISD’s book giveaway is a great way to bring a smile to these kids faces.
The good news doesn’t stop there! There are many hard-working people trying to spread a daily dose of happiness. Tune in to WFAA’s “Reasons to Smile” segment each morning with Tashara Parker and NBC 5’s “Wake Up to Something Good” morning segment, or watch John Krasinski from The Office host his own good news network show from his home office.
Do you know of a good story to include – local or national? Leave us a comment below. Stay safe out there!
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