MAY 8: Five Good Things this Week Series
May 8, 2020

Need a break from all the coronavirus (COVID-19) news? We’re compiling a list of good things happening in our local DFW community and across the country to put a smile on your face! Take a break and unwind with some heart-warming stories. This week’s blog series features a University of North Texas (UNT) graduate fashion designer who is making masks with wedding dress fabric, Wylie High School principal traveling far and wide to celebrate his graduating seniors and more!
Kroger Donating 200,000 Gallons of Surplus Milk to Food Banks
Got milk? Many food banks across the U.S. will soon be able to answer “yes!” Kroger – the country’s largest supermarket chain – is making sure surplus milk from America’s dairy farmers doesn’t go to waste by donating 200,000 gallons of milk to food banks. The supermarket chain will direct the milk to Feeding America food banks and community organizations through the end of August 2020.
According to Dairy Farmers of America, an estimated 2.7 million to 3.7 million gallons of milk could be dumped per day as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, forcing many dairy farmers to dump their milk. Kroger’s heartfelt donation is good news for dairy farmers and families in need!
Wylie High Principal “Goes the Distance” to Celebrate Graduating Seniors
Who didn’t love singing to Vanessa Carlton’s “A Thousand Miles” back in the early 2000s? Well, this next story may not meet the 1,000-mile mark, but it’s still heartwarming and may bring a tear to your eyes. Wylie High School principal, Virdie Montgomery, visited all 612 of his graduating seniors to congratulate them since they couldn’t have a regular ceremony because of COVID-19. The journey spanned 800 miles and took 12 days! He also gave each graduating senior a candy bar telling them, “one day, we’ll look back at this, and ‘Snicker’,” along with a heartwarming a note.
The principal’s dedication to personally reach out and congratulate all of his seniors was also recognized nationally! He appeared on the “Today” show in NBC’s “Inspiring America” series.
UNT Graduate & Bridal Shop Owner Uses Wedding Dresses to Make Masks
Even though some wedding bells may not be ringing due to COVID-19, University of North Texas (UNT) graduate and Dallas-based fashion designer Khanh Nguyen got creative and now spends her days making masks and other protective supplies from dress fabric. Her efforts help front-line workers like nurses, doctors, surgeons, home health caregivers and others.
Nguyen started making face masks for free to help keep her workers employed at her wedding boutique clothing store. It paid off as word of the donations sparked interest with her clientele and they encouraged her to make masks for them to buy. Now, Nguyen is selling masks to the general public at almost wholesale prices to keep her business open, provide work for her employees and help those needing masks!
11-Year Old Lewisville Girl Launches Weekly Motivational Video Series
We all could use a little motivation these days, and 11-year old Lewisville resident Madisan Bryant has taken it upon herself to not let that stop her encouraging others by launching her “Mondays with Madison” video series! Like many of us, Madisan has been forced into a new reality of staying home and spending a lot of time indoors. Each week, Madisan uploads videos to inspire others to “get in their zone” which she describes as a place where you’re unstoppable, unmovable, unshakable and you learn to never quit.”
In addition to her video series, Madisan is a published author! Her book, “The ABC’s of the No-Quit Zone” kicks off the conversation in many of her online videos and she says her book isn’t just for children, but adults can also benefit from it too.
North Texas Singer Puts Music on Wheels for Seniors
Who doesn’t love a live music show? North Texas singer Norris Perry has taken his singing on wheels by performing at various, local senior living facilities to entertain our honored citizens. In the last decade, Perry has performed at countless senior living facilities singing all types of music from country to jazz, usually to a room full of happy listeners.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Perry had to take his “show on the road” by packing up his speakers and microphone into a wagon and walking around entire communities — section by section — performing multiple shows five days a week. Check out the fabulous show below!
The good news doesn’t stop there! There are many hard-working people trying to spread a daily dose of happiness. Tune in to WFAA’s “Reasons to Smile” segment each morning with Tashara Parker and NBC 5’s “Wake Up to Something Good” morning segment, or watch John Krasinski from The Office host his own good news network show from his home office.
Do you know of a good story to include – local or national? Comment below for a chance to be included in our weekly “Five Good Things” roundup. Stay safe out there!
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