Savings Increase for Public Transit Riders
February 14, 2013
Gas prices are on the rise again, and that means so are the savings for public transit riders. On Feb. 11, the national average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline is $3.59. That’s 28 cents higher than last month, 8 cents higher than this date last year, and the highest price ever recorded for Feb. 11. These prices are only expected to rise as we head into spring and summer when oil prices are at their highest. This leads one to consider the amount of savings that public transit provides.
The American Public Transportation Association has released their February Transit Savings Report. The report calculates savings based on the cost of commuting by public transportation compared to the cost of owning and driving a vehicle which includes the average national gas price ($3.60 – Feb. 12) and the national unreserved monthly parking rate ($166.26)
According to APTA’s report, individuals in the Dallas area who ride public transportation instead of driving can save, on average, more than $759 this month, and $9,103 annually. That’s an increase over the $744 monthly and $8,928 annual savings listed in January’s report. The report examines savings an individual in a two-person household would have by taking public transportation and living with one less car.
The national average for savings is more than $826 this month, and $9,917 annually.
Out of the top 20 cities with the highest public transit ridership, Dallas ranked 19th.
For more information on the Transit Savings Report, go to
To calculate your individual savings, with or without car ownership, go to
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